
Empowered Spending: Your Key to Financial Freedom

The cornerstone of financial planning is this question: What does it cost to live? What do you spend on entertainment each month? What about food—groceries at home along with eating out? How about transportation? Travel? Clothing? Gifts? Spending and lifestyle are closely related. Would you …

Equipping the Generations for Wealth Management

How to help your young adult children and aging parents navigate important financial issues Have you heard this story? On his deathbed, a man who had accumulated a significant amount of wealth told his wife he wanted to be buried with his riches. Rather than argue, his wife simply agreed. A …

Retirement Is Not Biblical

A different approach to life’s later seasons We were created to work. It’s part of God’s plan for us. When God created Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden, he told him to work it and take care of it (Genesis 2:15). Period. Not work until he was 65. Not work until he …

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